PS4 V PC Graphics Comparison
As for the free discussion of cost
constraints , the picture is different . Eliminating cost factors leaves us
free tells us the latest graphics and in this case the game console has several
reasons that can not compete with high-end graphics cards for PC .
The first is the ability to update PC. The graphics card on a high end PC is
removable and extendable , allowing the computer user to take advantage of new
advances in technology, while it is not necessary to change the whole unit.
Due to the nature of fixed specification consoles , Sony would have to settle
in a specification and stick to it . This is exacerbated by the long lead times
of a game console - the chosen graphics hardware is often outdated by the time
the console is launched for sale .
The likes of AMD and NVIDIA spend more than $ 1 billion a year on research and
development in the graphs. This leads to a continuous development of graphics
hardware , and due to the extensible nature of computer consumers can keep up
with these advances. The Radeon graphics cards such R9 and NVIDIA GeForce GTX
700 series are examples of high-performance graphics cards on the market. A
consumer could expect to pay an amount at least equal to the cost of an entire
PS4 for such cards . Read More
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